H&P: 51-year-old female with Crohn’s disease, morbid obesity, and a BMI of 42 presents from home in a private vehicle with 4 days of fever, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea and vomiting.
PMH: Hypertension, Crohn’s disease, and CKD Stage 3a with a baseline creatinine of 1.2
Home Medications: Stelera 90 mg SQ every 8 weeks (last dose 6 weeks ago), Prednisone 20 mg PO daily, Metoprolol 50 mg PO BID, and Lisinopril 20 mg PO daily
Vitals: B/P 99/56, HR 89, Temp 100.8, RR 18, Pulse ox 96% on room air
PE: Abdomen TTP, scant dark urine
Labs: Lactic Acid 4.2, WBC 18.5, Creatinine 1.5, CRP 105. Repeat lactic acid after fluid bolus 3.0 and 1.5.
CT: Abdomen revealing small-bowel wall thickening, mesenteric inflammatory stranding, and mesenteric adenopathy, partial small bowel obstruction. Impression: Crohn’s disease with partial obstruction
Consult: GI consulted, NGT placed, started IV prednisone to be tapered to PO once pain subsides and having bowel movements again.
Discharge Summary: Crohn’s flare with partial small bowel obstruction. Treated with NGT tube, IV prednisone, pain medication, 2 L normal saline bolus & normal saline continuous IV @ 75 ml/hr. Patient is tolerating PO intake and having normal bowel movements. Outpatient GI follow-up in 1 week.
Discharge Medication: Prednisone increased to 40 mg PO daily, resume home medications of Metoprolol 50 mg PO BID, and Lisinopril 20 mg PO daily, and normal Stelera injection in 10 days.
Question: Are there query opportunities based on the scenario stated above?
Discussion: The patient has exhibited the following risk factors and clinical indicators: 4 days of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea & vomiting. Lactic Acid 4.2 with repeat lactic acid after fluid bolus 3.0 and 1.5. Crohn’s disease with partial small bowel obstruction and CKD stage 3a.
Diagnostic criteria for Lactic Acidosis:
Lactic acid > 4
Lactic Acid > 2 plus pH < 7.35
Lactic Acid > 2 plus Anion gap > 12
Treatment for Lactic Acidosis:
Normal saline IV fluid bolus 2,000 ml
Normal saline IV continuous rate 75 ml/hr
UASI Recommends: Query for Lactic Acidosis
Documentation without clarification:
Principal Diagnosis: K50.012 Crohn’s disease of small intestine with intestinal obstruction
Secondary Diagnosis: E66.01 Morbid obesity, Z68.41 BMI 40.0-44.9 adult
Working DRG: 386 Inflammatory bowel disease with CC
RW: 0.9898
GLMOS: 3.4
SOI/ROM: 1/1
Documentation with clarification:
Principal Diagnosis: K50.012 Crohn’s disease of small intestine with intestinal obstruction
Secondary Diagnosis: E66.01 Morbid obesity, Z68.41 BMI 40.0-44.9 adult, E87.20 Acidosis, unspecified
Working DRG: 386 Inflammatory bowel disease with CC
RW: 0.9898
GLMOS: 3.4
SOI/ROM: 2/2
CDI Educational Tips:
Acidosis is classified to code E87.20. Inclusion terms are lactic acidosis and metabolic acidosis.
E87.20 provides a CC as a secondary diagnosis.
The treatment of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis depends entirely on its cause. The underlying cause should also be treated.
Conditions often associated with acid/base imbalance include diarrhea, poisoning (metabolic acidosis), vomiting, dehydration (metabolic alkalosis), sepsis (elevated lactate), and COPD (respiratory acidosis).
An elevated lactate/lactic acid does not necessarily indicate lactic acidosis which requires elevated lactate in addition to acidosis (pH<7.35). Lactate levels < 2.0 are normal, and transient slight elevations are often not clinically significant. For example, a slightly elevated lactate of 2.2 on admission for which the lactate level is simply repeated.
Laboratory Indicators of Acidosis or Alkalosis
Test | Value | Indicates | ICD-10 Code |
CO2 (bicarbonate) | > 28 or < 22 | Metabolic alkalosis / Metabolic acidosis | E87.3, E87.20 - E87.22 |
Chloride | > 106 | Metabolic acidosis, NAGMA / Renal tubular acidosis | E87.20 - E87.22, N25.89 |
Lactate / Lactic Acid | > 4, > 2 + pH < 7.35, > 2 + AGAP > 12 | Lactic Acidosis | E87.20 - E87.22 |
Anion gap (AGAP) | > 12 | Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis | E87.29 |
ABG / VBG | Value | Indicates | ICD-10 Code |
HCO3 (bicarbonate) | > 28 or < 22 | Metabolic alkalosis / Metabolic acidosis | E87.3, E87.20 - E87.22 |
pH | < 7.35 / > 7.45 / > 7.45 + pCO2 < 35 | Acidosis / Alkalosis / Respiratory Alkalosis | E87.20, E87.3, E87.3 |
pCO2 | > 45 / > 50 (> 55 VBG) + pH < 7.35 / > 50 (> 55 VBG) + pH normal / < 35 + pH > 7.45 | Respiratory Acidosis / Acute Respiratory Acidosis / Chronic Respiratory Acidosis / Respiratory Alkalosis | E87.29, J96.02, J96.12, E87.3 |
This is a short synopsis of a possible patient record and is not intended to be all-inclusive. This is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace your institutional guidelines.
UASI | United Audit Systems, Inc.
1924 Dana Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45207
(800) 526-0594