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Coding Tip of the Month – January 2021

New Add-On-Code


Computer-Aided Mapping of Cervix Uteri

New  to Current Procedural Terminology 2021 is the add-on-code 57465. This code was created for the Female Genital System/Endoscopy subsection of the Surgery section to report computer-aided mapping of cervix uteri during colposcopy.

+57465  Computer-aided mapping of cervix uteri during colposcopy, including optical dynamic spectral imaging and algorithmic quantification of the acetowhitening effect  (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

Colposcopy includes the application of a 3-5% acetic acid solution to discriminate between normal and abnormal tissue. The reaction is called acetowhitening, and it produces a noticeable effect compared to the normal pinkish color of the surrounding epithelia found in the cervix.*

Add-on code 57465 can be used in conjunction with primary procedure codes 57420,57421,57452,57455,57456,57460, and 57461.**

An example would be when a patient undergoes a colposcopy for an abnormal Papanicolaou smear that was positive for HPV. Computer-aided mapping of the Cervix Uteri is performed to identify abnormal areas to be biopsied. Code 57465 captures the additional physician or other qualified health care professional work associated with the computer-aided detection system that guides the colposcopy.

* **